JOIN Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Chicago Area Peace Action, Chicago Committee Against War & Racism, Codepink, and partners as we picket the offices of Sens. Duckworth and Durbin on FRIDAY, OCT. 14th, 11:30 A.M.-12:30 P.M. at Federal Plaza, 230 S. Dearborn, Chicago… 📢 📢 📢 🪧🪧🪧
…as part of a nationwide action organized by Roots Action and Defuse Nuclear War to jumpstart the movement to abolish nuclear weapons!
On Friday, Oct. 14th, informational picket lines will be held at Congressional offices ACROSS THE U.S., to demand steps to significantly reduce the risk of nuclear war. We will be holding forth on a picket line in Federal Plaza, at the offices of Senators Richard Durbin and Tammy Duckworth.
CLICK HERE TO RSVP!! — and also let your friends know you’re going by rsvp-ing on facebook here!
If you have any questions, please reach us at!
Join CAPA online (date TBD soon!) as we offer a primer on the life-saving potential of Special Drawing Rights for multiple nations; followed by a call and tweet storm to persuade Congress to take immediate action! This event is made possible by the work of awesome activists from Action Corps.
Help make a difference with us! Click here to RSVP.
…as we discuss the context of the war in Ukraine, harmful actions being taken by various sides, and peaceful ways to end the war.
JOIN CAPA and partners for a 90-minute livestream on Sunday, Oct. 2nd at 1 P.M. Central featuring experts on nuclear disarmament, as groups nationwide look to jump-start the movement to abolish nuclear weapons!
In 1979, the forerunner to Chicago Area Peace Action, the North Suburban Peace Initiative, was formed as part of the burgeoning social movement to stop the madness of nuclear weapons proliferation. While that movement has had some success, most notably turning out the largest in-person demonstration in U.S. history in 1982, when more than 1 million people came to New York’s Central Park to demand nuclear disarmament, it has, of recent years, lost much of its momentum and visibility in the public square.
The entire world is once again living in extreme anxiety over the possibility of nuclear conflagration, from the frightening rhetoric coming out of the Russia/Ukraine conflict to our lack of ability to re-engage the JCPOA. We are now closer to the possibility of nuclear war than at any point since those alarming 13 days in October 60 years ago — when de-escalation narrowly prevailed over calls for the U.S. and Russia to instigate nuclear war.
Roots Action and Defuse Nuclear War are organizing a national action (in more than a dozen states and counting) on Friday October 14th to mobilize support for the movement to abolish nuclear weapons. Prior to that, there is a 90-minute livestream on Sunday, Oct. 2nd at 1 P.M. Central featuring experts on nuclear disarmament including Daniel Ellsberg, Professor Vincent Intondi (panelist from CAPA‘s 2022 Peace Summit), Dr. Assal Raad, Alice Slater, Norman Solomon, David Swanson, Alyn Ware, Marcy Winograd, Hanieh Jodat, and more.
This Livestream will energize and mobilize everyone for Friday, Oct. 14th, when picket lines will be held at Congressional offices across the U.S., to demand steps to significantly reduce the risk of nuclear war. Chicago Area Peace Action will be holding forth on a picket line in Federal Plaza, at the offices of Senators Richard Durbin and Tammy Duckworth (details to follow soon). If you are receiving this email from outside the Chicago area, find a picket line near you HERE or organize your own by filling out this form.
It is time to again pick up the mantle bequeathed to us by those millions of people worldwide over the years who have organized to stop the madness and eliminate nuclear weapons from the face of the earth.
CELEBRATE with us!
CAPA recently asked for your help contacting House Reps. and Senators to reject the “Energy Independence and Security Act of 2022,” a deal brokered by Senator Joe Manchin and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to force through pipeline projects and strip away environmental protections.
The PEOPLE rose up to their legislators, demanding refusal of this planet-harming bill. As a result, Senator Manchin lacked enough votes to take it forward. Last night, he withdrew this bill which would have been attached to “must-pass” legislation due on September 30th.
Now we must be vigilant to ensure that new iterations of Senator Manchin’s legislation are not brought forth in future sessions — specifically legislation that removes community protections and reviews provided by the Clean Water Act (CWA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
Thank you for acting urgently for people and planet!!
JOIN CAPA on FRIDAY, SEPT. 23RD, @ 11 A.M. at Pritzker Park, 310 S State St, Chicago, IL 60604…
…for the Global Climate Strike!! We’ll be alongside a growing coalition of local 350 movements, Sunrise Chicago, Rising Tide Chicago, Extinction Rebellion Chicago, and many more to tell the Federal Reserve, Chase, and BP to halt the financing, extraction, and burning of fossil fuels. This event will be in full collaboration with youth groups Fridays for Future Chicago and the Chicago Climate Youth Coalition.
This will be the Chicago edition of the Global Climate Strike! We will march and stop at all 3 targeted locations downtown, perform a little Civil Discobedience to “Staying Alive,” have a die-in, and dance some more to “I Will Survive,” to raise awareness to the public and call on the following institutions to act.
We demand:
See you in the streets on September 23rd for climate justice!
Please join us online on Thursday, Sept. 22nd, for CAPA’s 2022 Annual Benefit, “Dispelling the Myth of the Indispensable Nation.”
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER and read the full Benefit program here!
CAPA and the 2022 Host Committee are excited to invite you to CAPA’s 43rd Annual Benefit! We welcome the esteemed scholar Dr. Trita Parsi to help us explore alternatives to American primacy, and dispel the twin myths that America is the indispensable nation and America’s global dominance has made Americans more safe.
The inability to frame a coherent foreign policy strategy that takes into account the self-interest of other nations has left the American electorate and the U.S. foreign policy establishment adrift in a sea of misconceptions – clouded by hubris, a false sense of self-importance, and a myopic and distorted view of the world. The belief that America must dominate the world for it to be stable and America to be safe has led to endless wars rather than endless peace. Take the time to learn why and how to resist ongoing, calamitous U.S. foreign policy blunders, from the Taiwan Strait to the Middle East to Ukraine and beyond.
At this year’s Benefit, CAPA will also honor Chicago activist Andy Thayer with the Robert A. Cleland Pursuit of Peace Award.
Finally, we will celebrate the work of CAPA’s Student Network, our Climate and Foreign Policy Working Groups, and invite all attendees to share their insights and passions among fellow peacebuilders. Please register now for the Benefit, and we’ll see you on September 22nd!
JOIN CAPA in solidarity with CCHRP and partners, on Saturday, Sep 17th, 2022 from 2-4 P.M. CT @ the Philippine Consulate (122 S Michigan Ave, then to Millenium Park – Crown Fountain)…
…for a vigil against President Marcos Jr. & Vice Pres. Duterte’s upcoming visit to the U.S.!
The brutal regimes of the ruling Marcos and Duterte families have partnered with U.S. government rulers for decades, making weapons deals and crushing Filipino communities. Those who support justice for the people of the Philippines rise up in resistance to these harmful regimes and their partnership with the architects of U.S. imperialism.
See you in the streets!
JOIN CAPA and friends on SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11TH from 12:00-1:30 P.M. CST, @ N. Astor St & E. North Blvd, Chicago, IL, 60614…
…for a rally and people’s trial against Governor Pritzker and Boeing for enabling militarized violence here and across the world! The State of Illinois is complicit in the violence that Boeing profits from. Governor Pritzker’s administration is funding a new Boeing drone production factory in IL.
As Illinois residents, we want to see an end to our tax dollars funding Boeing operations that fuel genocide in Yemen, Lebanon, Palestine, West Papua, and elsewhere. Join us in-person on Sept 11th at 12 P.M. to demand that Gov. Pritzker and the State of IL stop funding Boeing, and redirect our public resources into life-giving resources and institutions such as free healthcare, public schools, and so much more.
See you there!
JOIN CAPA on Wednesday, September 7th, 2022 @ 5:30 P.M. CT for “Imperialism vs People & Planet”– an online discussion from awesome local Filipino orgs, Malaya Chicago and CCHRP (Chicago Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines), in partnership with IL Green New Deal.
Malaya Chicago and CCHRP members will lead a conversation on the harms that extractive industries cause as part of a larger imperialist agenda across the globe. With a focused discussion on the fight for indigenous communities in the Philippines, this gathering will center conversations on the benefits and critiques of a U.S.-led Green New Deal policy platform.
“From Palestine to the Philippines, STOP the U.S. war machine!”
Thank you for taking action last week by sending a personal letter to your House Representatives urging them to vote “NO” on Senator Joe Manchin’s new planet-harming legislation. As you know, CAPA is working with a coalition of 652 organizations across the U.S. to reject this legislation.
Now we need your help again to take one more action. Please click here to send a similar letter to Senators Duckworth and Durbin. They will be in Washington on September 7th. On September 8th, thousands of protesters from across the country will gather in front of the U.S. Capitol demanding that the Senate also vote “NO” on this legislation. Your letter will reinforce their demand.
We have already received feedback that the House Democratic Members will likely reject this legislation. If the leadership of both the House and Senate know that this legislation will not pass ,they may decide not to bring it up for a vote.
Thank you for your continued support!
During the past few days, some members of the CAPA Board have participated in an emergency podcast sponsored by the national organization, “Food and Water Watch”. They have alerted us about a new and alarming bill that will be proposed in the House and Senate, led by Senator Joe Manchin (with some help from his friends at the American Petroleum Institute) shortly after Congress returns to Washington on September 7th, 2022.
As you know, Senator Manchin has already received a number of fossil fuel concessions in exchange for his vote on the Inflation Reduction Act. Now he is requesting the passage of a bill that would gut the bedrock protections of our Environmental Policy and the Clean Water Act that have been in place for years.
These proposed revisions would pave the way for dangerous fossil fuel mining and pipeline projects. This we cannot allow. CAPA is joining with 652 other organizations across the U.S to urge our Democratic representatives in the House to reject and vote against this legislation. We will be sending similar letters to our Senate representatives.
We have hand-delivered a letter to four House Representatives that serve many of our CAPA members. Now it is your turn to send a letter to your Representative by clicking here, signing the letter, including your address, then sending it. Thank you for taking action on this important issue!
AUG. 18TH: Dissenters’ “No Boeing Drones” Press Conference!
Join CAPA in solidarity at the Dissenters’ press conference on Thursday, August 18th @ 11 A.M. CST, at 100 N Riverside Plaza, Chicago, IL 60606 in front of the Boeing HQ (soon to be relocating out of Chicago), to demand an immediate end to Illinois’s investment and relationship with Boeing!
Organizers, community members, and supporters will demand that Governor Pritzker stop public funds from going to war profiteers like Boeing and present an alternative vision of how public dollars should be invested in community care in our state. Come through with us to build toward a demilitarized, life-affirming future.
Governor Pritzker’s administration is funneling millions of public dollars toward a new Boeing drone factory in Illinois. Production of these drones will extend the reach & lethality of US military intervention & lead to more violence against marginalized communities globally. As residents of Illinois, we want to see an end to our tax dollars funding Boeing operations that enable genocide in Yemen, Lebanon, Palestine, West Papua and other countries impacted by wars that Boeing arms and profits from.
See you on August 18th!
…for the “No Boeing Drones” Campaign Launch Event from Dissenters’ Boeing Arms Genocide team! The Dissenters have already succeeded in getting Boeing to move its HQ out of Chicago — now the team has turned their focus to stopping a planned Boeing drone facility from operating in IL.
CAPA has been learning a ton from the Dissenters while collaborating with their recent work — please join us as we work in solidarity on this exciting new campaign. This launch event will include a ton of detailed info, practice with 1 on 1 discussions about Boeing’s practices, and brainstorming on tactics to bring this new campaign to a successful goal of shutting down the new drone facility. You won’t want to miss this event!
Hibakusha (“bomb-affected person”) Sadako Sasaki’s personal project of folding 1,000 paper cranes to earn a wish from the gods brought global attention to the bombs’ impact. We will begin our vigil by sharing more of Sadako’s story, then learn about anti-nuclear actions from coalition partners. Other special features will include ceremonial bell-ringing, music by local artist Margaret Nelson, a walking meditation, and finally, moments of silence for all bomb-impacted people as 1,000 paper cranes are floated in a reflecting pool.
Please bring family and friends of all ages to this special vigil and movement-building opportunity. Be side by side with Buddhist Peace Fellowship-Chicago Chapter, Chicago Anti-War Coalition, Chicago Area Peace Action, Chicago Committee Against War & Racism, Codepink, Fellowship Of Reconciliation Chicago, Neighbors for Peace in Evanston-Chicago, Nuclear Energy Information Service, West Suburban Peace Coalition, World BEYOND War, and friends working to abolish all nuclear weapons.
CLICK HERE to take immediate action: Immediately, you can ask your congressperson to co-sponsor H Res 1185, legislation embracing the provisions of the international Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
…for a webinar on the exciting campaign to pass a “DIVEST CHICAGO FROM WAR” city council resolution! This resolution now has 9 Chicago alders signed on, and is gaining grassroots partners. The resolution has already progressed to the Finance Committee. Now we need the Finance Committee to bring it forward for a vote.
The best way to do that is with a groundswell of concerned Chicago area residents!
Hear from Alders Rodriguez Sanchez and Ramirez-Rosa, as well as representatives from Codepink, World Beyond War, CAPA, and others as we continue building this amazing movement to become the largest U.S. city to pass a resolution on divestment from major war profiteers. Let’s put peace on the books at Chicago City Council, a major step forward in the long-term movement away from companies making a killing on killing!
CAPA and our Back from the Brink Coalition partners, including Union of Concerned Scientists, Physicians for Social Responsibility, and others – would like to thank all who helped make this happen, and recognize the leadership of Chicago Alders Maria Hadden (49th Ward), Daniel La Spata (1st Ward), and Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35th Ward)!
This resolution is one major move further in the continuing work of nuclear disarmament. We now look forward to next action steps. Join CAPA and friends in the movement to divest our cities and nations from war! And remember to celebrate today’s victory.
Join us July 20th, 2022 for a preparatory art-build from 5:30-7:30 P.M. CST in Evanston, IL….
…We’ll be folding origami cranes in preparation for our special Hiroshima Day Vigil + Call to Action scheduled on August 6th, 2022, when CAPA, Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Nuclear Energy Information Service, Chicago Committee Against War & Racism, World BEYOND War, and friends will remember Sadako Sasaki and all hibakusha –> PLUS take actionable steps toward a nuclear-free future!
Japanese hibakusha (“bomb-affected person”) Sadako Sasaki was just 2 years old during the U.S. bombing of Hiroshima, Japan on August 6th, 1945, and succumbed to radiation effects 10 years later; before her death, she took on a project of folding 1,000 origami cranes, which by tradition meant she would be granted a wish. On July 20th, 2022, help us fold cranes in remembrance of Sadako, to be floated during our August 6th vigil.
**Please contact us at if interested and we’ll provide you the location for the art-build!
(July 18th) ** The DIVEST MIKE all-day sit-in at Mike Quigley’s office has moved to today, Monday, July 18th! Join us from 8A.M.- 4 P.M.
outside U.S. Rep Mike Quigley’s office! Show up anytime before 4 P.M. at 3223 N Sheffield Ave (Suite A), Chicago, IL 60657 in support. Another action you can take — call Rep. Quigley’s campaign office to demand he meet with the Divest Mike team:
CALL (312) 618-6636. Phone script: “Hello, my name is ____________ and I’m calling from (city, state) to support Mike Quigley’s constituents protesting outside his office. I understand Rep Quigley refuses to meet with these activists. Rep. Quigley should meet with them and sign the CODEPINK pledge refusing money from the top five military contractors and NRA.”
Thank you for supporting the campaign to Divest Mike!
Students from CAPA’s DePaul chapter, along with Codepink and other awesome peace partners, are leading an all-day sit-in action this Friday, July 15th at U.S. Rep. Mike Quigley‘s office – please join us there any time from 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. at 3223 N Sheffield Ave (Suite A), Chicago, IL 60657!
This amazing group has previously succeeded in getting Mike Quigley signed onto Medicare 4 All – now they’re escalating the campaign to get Mike’s signature on a pledge to refuse weapons company donations.
Please RSVP here and join the SIT-IN to divest Mike!!
Students from CAPA’s DePaul chapter, along with Codepink and other awesome peace partners, are leading an all-day sit-in action this Friday, July 15th at U.S. Rep. Mike Quigley‘s office – please join us there any time from 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. at 3223 N Sheffield Ave (Suite A), Chicago, IL 60657!
This amazing group has previously succeeded in getting Mike Quigley signed onto Medicare 4 All – now they’re escalating the campaign to get Mike’s signature on a pledge to refuse weapons company donations.
Please RSVP here and join the SIT-IN to divest Mike!!
Join national organizers and activists across IL to demand a Yemen War Powers Resolution to end all forms of US support for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen – which is responsible for mass human rights violations in the midst of a humanitarian crisis.
On this 30-minute rapid action call, you will be quickly briefed on Yemen and current legislation. At the end of the call, we will take action together with activists across the state, calling on our Representatives to cosponsor the Yemen War Powers Resolution, which would end all forms of US support for the coalition, including providing spare parts, maintenance, and logistical support for Saudi warplanes.
This weekend, communities nationwide will hold JUNETEENTH Freedom Day celebrations to commemorate the release of slaves in Galveston, Texas in 1865 – more than two years after the Emancipation Proclamation’s signing.
Please join CAPA in uplifting this annual holiday, a celebration of freedom in defiance of ongoing structural racism and systemic injustice. Unite with fellow community members at Chicago-area events filled with art, music, food, fun, and education.
Events will feature Black artists and products from Black-led organizations and creators. There are theatrical works like “1619: The Journey of a People, The Musical” and online book discussions like “How the Word Is Passed: A Reckoning with the History of Slavery Across America.”
Use the weekend to learn more about Juneteenth and recommit to undoing personal and societal prejudices, building peace and freedom for all. Join together with Chicago-area family, friends, and neighbors in honoring this Juneteenth weekend.
Thursday, June 16th @ 7 P.M. CST – please SAVE THAT DATE to hear from Chicago’s own pro-peace candidate Kina Collins for U.S. Congress! This virtual “Meet the Candidate” event from Peace Action will introduce you to a leader who has CAPA and other peace orgs so excited for the IL primaries June 28th (yes, June 28th)!
Kina’s candidacy has inspired everyone from youth leaders with YC4C, to longtime grassroots leaders in Englewood, to a ton of progressive organizations. However, she faces an incumbent with huge name recognition who’s funded by anti-progressive Democratic Party PACs.
Speak with Kina online JUNE 16TH on issues you care about, and learn how to spread the word to other voters. The push for another much-needed progressive voice in Congress will require us all.
Book your virtual spot to meet Kina
Join CAPA and friends online Sunday, June 12th @ 3 P.M. CST. for the Defuse Nuclear War livestream by RootsAction Education Fund to mark the 40th anniversary of when a million people gathered in Central Park for nuclear disarmament. Forty years on, the international movement to disarm is still growing. This online event will serve as a catalyst for grassroots organizing.
Several dozen peace, disarmament, and social justice organizations are co-sponsoring this event along with CAPA. We’ll hear live from a wide range of speakers including Hanieh Jodat Barnes, Medea Benjamin, Jerry Brown, Leslie Cagan, Mandy Carter, Emma Claire Foley, Pastor Michael McBride, Khury Petersen-Smith, David Swanson, Katrina vanden Heuvel, India Walton, and Ann Wright.
Director/producer Jeff Daniels will also present excerpts from his documentary “Television Event” about huge impacts of the 1983 TV film “The Day After.” Plus, we’ll see the world premiere of a video featuring Daniel Ellsberg on defusing the threat of nuclear war. See you there on Sunday!
Email to join us!
Canvassing is an effective way to reach fellow community members, and you’ll be amazed how many are receptive to hearing about candidates like Kina who prioritize people, planet, and peace over the Pentagon.
Email to join us!
Canvassing is an effective way to reach fellow community members, and you’ll be amazed how many are receptive to hearing about candidates like Kina who prioritize people, planet, and peace over the Pentagon.
On Earth Day weekend last month, thousands of demonstrations and rallies took place across the U.S., organized by frustrated climate activists due to the inaction of the U.S. Senate on the Biden administration’s Build Back Better plan and its climate provisions. Young activists, labor leaders, civil rights groups, and mainstream environmental organizations were in the streets. Recent events in the war in Ukraine have further increased the need for immediate climate legislation as the role of Oil and Gas have come into stark focus. Tell President Biden and your Senators there are four compelling reasons to pass Comprehensive Climate Legislation NOW.
We are sending these concerns to President Biden, Special Envoy John Kerry, and our Senators. With one click you can send it also (click here). For more information about specific recommendations for climate legislation and follow-on climate actions, click here. We are also contacting a number of other like-minded organizations like the Green New Deal Network to increase our voice in D.C. on the need for climate legislation NOW. You may also want to forward this email to your friends and encourage them to also take action.
In response to a leaked draft from Supreme Court Justice Alito indicating the undoing of Roe v. Wade and its protections of the right to choose abortion, CAPA echoes this statement by Peace Action National.
…to discuss how to support the people of Yemen and end the death, destruction, and famine caused by the U.S. military-industrial complex and partners in the ongoing war.
Join CAPA’s Student Network online this April 2nd and 3rd for our Third Annual Peace Summit!
This year’s summit is entitled “Militarism and the Violence of Climate Catastrophe.” Full Summit page here! We’ll not only be taking a deeper dive into the environmental degradation/military complex, but what we as a global community can do about it. Importantly, our shared predicament offers us the opportunity to unite across our cultural, ideological, and national differences to address the climate crisis as one, de-escalating militarism and dismantling global norms of violent communication, corporate greed, and imperialism.
But we can’t do it without you! Climate justice will not come without racial justice, decolonization, and an end to a world order based on violence and militarization. As Naomi Klein said, “We can save ourselves, but only if we learn to let go of the myth of dominance and mastery and learn to work with nature.” Let’s make it happen.
Details coming soon!
Dear CAPA members and friends,
JOIN US on Zoom, Monday evening, January 24, 2022 at 6 P.M. Central for a 30-min film screening and discussion as we celebrate the 1st anniversary of the landmark Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) coming into force!
With thanks to International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)
CAPA, Union of Concerned Scientists
Register here!
Facebook event invite:
Facebook event invite:
Emergency Response if the US Attacks Iran
On the day of an attack, 5:30 PM
Trump Tower, Wacker & Wabash Ave
With the growing threat of a U.S. military attack on Iran and its forces in the region ─ which could lead to full-scale war killing many thousands ─ several organizations in the Chicago area have come together to have a unified response against war in the event of such an attack.
On the day of the attack we will gather for an action beginning at 5:30 pm in front of Trump Tower, corner of Wacker and Wabash Avenues in Chicago. If the attack is announced after 3 pm, the action will occur at 5:30 pm the next day. Further actions will likely be announced at this initial action.
For more information, please email
Albany Park, North Park, Mayfair Neighbors for Peace and Justice
ANSWER – Chicago
Chicago Area Peace Action
Chicago Anti-War Coalition
Chicago Committee Against War & Racism
Freedom Road Socialist Organization
Gay Liberation Network
Peace United Against Oppression
Voices for Creative Non-Violence
Join us to protest in-person Wednesday, December 22nd, 2021
Take Action Tuesday, December 14th, 2021!
Join us on Tuesday, December 14th, 2021 in showing solidarity with Palestinian civil society groups! We are calling attention to Israel’s anti-human rights move of designating 6 Palestinian civil society groups “terrorist.” Instead of looking at its own human rights abuses and apartheid policies, Israel condemns 6 organizations who stand for Palestinian human rights.
Use this toolkit to take action!
Take Action Tuesday, December 14th, 2021!
Today, December 14th, Stop Line 3 and Defend the Gulf are teaming up to deliver messages to US Army Corps offices from North to South and East to West, holding the Corps accountable for two emergencies we need addressed:
Here is our map of actions (find or create one!), a couple letters you can deliver to Stop Line 3 and Defend the Gulf, plus a toolkit with more ideas! Events can be simple and small; our superpower is working together. Please share your actions with the hashtags #StopLine3 and #DefendTheGulf (You can watch Line 3 and Gulf South water protectors discuss the issues on last week’s hype call!)
Tune in Tuesday, December 7th, 2021 @ 12 Noon Central!
“U.S., NATO, and Russia: Arms Races, Confrontations, and Common Security Alternatives”:
a webinar by Campaign for Peace, Disarmament, and Common Security, co-sponsored by Peace Action National.
RSVP here!
Join us on Tuesday, December 7th, 2021 at 12 Noon Central for a timely webinar: “The U.S., NATO, and Russia: Arms Races, Confrontations, & Common Security Alternatives.” As recently reported to the Times Radio by Britain’s most senior military officer, “The risk of an accidental war breaking out between Russia and the West is greater than at any time during the Cold War.” CNN – Nov. 14,2021
With tensions and fears of renewed Great Power wars over Ukraine, please join CPDCS, Peace Action, and partner organizations in welcoming Alexey Gromyko of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Kate Hudson of the British Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, and Daryl Kimball of the U.S. Arms Control Association as panelists in this unique, and uniquely important, international webinar.
BLACK FRIDAY Call to Action!
Concerned about climate change? Think banks should stop funding dirty new fossil fuel projects? Join us on Black Friday to tell Chase Bank it’s not cool to be the #1 funder of climate chaos!
JPMorgan Chase is the world’s worst “fossil bank,” contributing $51.3 billion in fossil fuel financing last year alone, and a total of $317 billion from 2016 to 2020. Chase customers will deliver a letter to Chase urging them to stop fueling the climate crisis.
We will meet in Independence Park on Central in Evanston at 10:30 A.M. and then walk over to Chase. There will be cider, songs, and speakers. Bring a mug, a protest sign, and your family!
What: Chase Bank Black Friday Action
When: 10:30am on Black Friday, November 26th, 2021
Where: @2063 Central Street, Evanston IL
Why: To tell Chase Bank to stop funding climate chaos!
Who: You and your friends and family
USPCN leads a call to action on Rep. Schakowsky’s office–CAPA cosponsors.
Join CAPA as we support USPCN’s call to action in response to Israel’s “terrorist” designation of 6 Palestinain human rights organizations. We will be urging her to sign onto two pieces of legislation:
To participate, email us at
Join CAPA DePaul’s Thrift Swap and Teach-in!
This is an in-person event Monday, November 15th, 2021, 6 P.M. Central, in Arts & Letters Room 104 at DePaul University.
Learn about positive and negative aspects of thrifting, mutual aid, and community resources. Hope to see you there!
Join CAPA and cosponsors as we support the rights of Alex Saab, Venezuelan diplomat.
We will meet in downtown Chicago, Monday, November 15th, 2021, 4:30 – 6 P.M. Central, at Water Tower Park (Michigan Ave. and Pearson St.). We stand in solidarity with Alex Saab, who is being held in U.S. prison. Alex Saab was seized while engaged in acquiring food and medicines for Venezuela, perfectly legal international trade. The US claims this violates the sanctions it imposed on Venezuela. See more details here.
Free US Imprisoned Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab!
End the US blockade of Venezuela, which has killed over 100,000 civilians!
End US Interference in Venezuela elections!
Sponsors: Chicago Area Peace Action, Chicago Anti-War Coalition, Chicago ALBA Solidarity, Cuba Caravan Planning Group, South Siders for Peace, Party for Socialism and Liberation, ANSWER, Latin America Solidarity Group, Peoples Response Network
CAPA Virtual Lobby Visits, November 2021.
Join CAPA as we bring issues to our legislators. We will be addressing the Yemen crisis and Nuclear Disarmament. Make your voice heard! To participate, email us at
CAPA DePaul Action Week, October 25-29, 2021!
Join CAPA DePaul in a week of online and in-person actions!
To participate, go to:
CAPA’s 42nd Annual Fall Benefit
The Hidden US Empire and Its Cost to Us All
Thursday, October 21st, 2021
6:00— 7:30pm Central
via Zoom
For years, Chicago Area Peace Action has focused its energy on working against the twin existential threats of accidental or designed nuclear war and unsustainable climate destabilization. But this year we choose to pause and shift our analysis inward, in the recognition that it is impossible to plot a path forward without a thorough understanding of what got us here.
Professor Daniel Immerwahr, a historian at Northwestern University and author of How to Hide an Empire: A History of the Greater United States, provides an excellent recounting of the United States’ drift toward and full embrace of expansionism and global empire while it seeks to minimize the optics of such egregious behavior. Starting with the founding of the original colonies up until the present day, Professor Immerwahr recounts with brilliant clarity the path of imperial growth and the exploitative behavior that we never learned about in school, and consequently are taught to conveniently ignore. This also explains why the United States now operates, almost invisibly, more than 800 military bases in 140 sovereign nations across the globe.
What is the cost of the United States’ ambivalence toward the negative externalities that primarily impact those who we have determined don’t belong? How does this ambivalence impact our work as peace activists, and what can we do about it? Because as George Satayana and Winston Churchill have said, “those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it.”
Join us this coming October 21 to learn more about the history of our nation’s imperialism. With this new understanding we can engage in greater solidarity work with people the world over and not repeat the errors of our past. We will strive to articulate a vision for what Martin Luther King called a “radical revolution of values”, and begin to address and overcome the giant triplets of racism, extreme materialism, and abject militarism.
Facebook Event:
Ticket Link:
Protecting Our Planet
One Pipeline at a Time
Join us Sunday, October 17th, 2021 from 2-4pm
@ Elliot Park, 1200 Lake Shore Blvd in Evanston
for an afternoon of activism and connection!
Want to protect the water and the climate? Come join the
movement to stop two tar sand pipeline expansions in the Midwest!
Enbridge’s Line 3 crosses under the Mississippi, violates treaty rights, and is the
climate equivalent of building 50 new coal plants. Their Line 5 is drilling under the
straits of Mackinac in our very own Great Lakes!
Hear speakers from the front lines, listen to music from Creative Artists and Activists
in Service Together LIVE!, and learn how you can support the Water Protectors Legal
Fund. There will be an open mic if anyone has music or poetry to share.
Bring a chair or blanket, a mask, and a friend.
Hope to see you at the park! (unless it rains)
#WaterIsLife #StopLine3 #StopLine5
20 Years After 9/11: The Empire’s Descent
Wednesday, August 25th
6:00— 7:30pm CST
Buttercup Park Uptown
4901 N Sheridan Rd
2021 Peace Action Virtual Lobby Days Extravaganza
Tuesday, June 15— Thursday, June 16
Join the Peace Action network June 15-17 for our 2021 VLD Extravaganza — a conference consisting of briefings on key peace issues from nuclear disarmament to cutting Pentagon bloat to ending endless wars, along with direct advocacy trainings. Detailed agenda to come, but you can register now!
After the meeting, we’ll push to get one step closer to a sane foreign policy through advocacy meetings with Members of Congress!
If you are able, we ask you consider a $20 donation to help fund this work:
– If you are interested in participating in a lobby visit(s) with your Senators and Representatives alongside Peace Action staff or other leaders, we are requiring attendance of our Lobby Visit 101 training.
– Times listed are overestimated to allow wiggle room for folks to join early and stay on a little late to chat.
Defend Courageous Journalism! Defend Julian Assange!
Thursday, June 17th
4:30pm CST
British Consulate, 625 N. Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL
Ending the Climate Emergency While We Still Can
Thursday, June 3rd
7:00pm cst
Register via Zoom
Community Solar
Thursday, May 27th
7:00pm cst
Register Via Zoom
CAPA will host another webinar with Trajectory Energy Partners on May 27th at 7pm. The webinar will review the Community Solar program that is now underway in the Chicago Area and throughout the State of Illinois. This program will enable you to subscribe to solar energy for your home electric bills while providing the following benefits:
In addition, if you subscribe after reviewing the information discussed in the webinar you will be eligible to receive a limited promotional offer of $400 that can be applied to your solar monthly bills. The State of Illinois has placed a high priority on Community Solar to enable a fast transition to renewable energy. Register here to attend:
CAPA Student Network Peace Summit 2021
Organizing Towards Peace, Justice, and Conflict Resolution
Saturday, May 22nd— Sunday, May 23rd
The Peace Summit may be over, but you can watch and engage with all the recordings by clicking here!
Chicago Area Peace Action’s Student Network is planning the second annual Peace Summit! This year’s theme is Organizing Towards Peace, Justice, and Conflict Resolution.
After a year that has reshaped so many of our ways of thinking and being, as we exit the Trump era and fend off complacency under a Biden administration, the need for a more organized and more connected peace and justice movement was decided to be one of the greatest needs for the 2021 Peace Summit. New skills are required in this virtual era, and we see the many activists and organizers, old and new, in need of an outlet to stay engaged after a tumultuous year.
This year’s Peace Summit will focus on forging and strengthening relationships, developing our collective skills, and expanding our knowledge base.
Check out some of the featured speakers and workshops:
Prohiting the First Use of Nuclear Weapons
Saturday, May 15th, 11:30am— 4:00pm cst
Register Via Zoom
A nuclear exchange between the US and Russia would incinerate hundreds of millions of people immediately, and lead to a Nuclear Winter which would slaughter an estimated 7 billion of the Earth’s 7.7 billion people, mostly through starvation. Building back civilization would require over 1,000 years [Daniel Ellsberg talk, 12/13/2020]. A U.S. nuclear strike against China would result in a similar catastrophe.
These are the stakes. As a step toward reducing the danger of Nuclear War, a coalition of groups has called upon Congress to legislate – and the President to declare – that the United States will neither initiate nor threaten to initiate the first use of Nuclear Weapons. Register to attend:
Click here to see the full schedule:…/
Confirmed Speakers (partial list):
Rep. Ted Lieu (California)
Special message from Sen. Ed Markey
Rep. Pramila Jayapal (WA; video message)
William Perry (Sec. of Defense in Clinton adm.)
Ira Helfand (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War)
Elaine Scarry (Harvard; MA Peace Action; CPDCS)
Zia Mian (Program on Science and Global Security, Princeton University)
Tom Collina (Ploughshares Fund)
Tong Zhao (Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy)
Joseph Gerson (CPDCS)
John Burroughs (Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy)
Kennette Benedict (Bulletin of Atomic Scientists)
Max Tegmark (MIT)
Tom Unterrainer (Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation)
Monica Montgomery, John Isaacs (Council for a Livable World)
David Swanson (World Beyond War)
Carley Towne (CODEPINK)
Anna Baker (GBPSR)
Kevin Martin (PA)
David Borris (CAPA)
Erica Fein (Win Without War)
Denise Duffield (PSR)
Jonathan King (MAPA/MIT)
William Hartung (Center for International Policy)
Joshua Bennett (Poet, Dartmouth)
Jillian Hanesworth (Buffalo Poet Laureate)
Breakout Topics:
Why No First Use Will Keep Us Safer
Communications & Messaging
Social Media / Street Theater / Artivism
Congressional Strategy
Recruiting/Organization Building
Back From the Brink
Stopping the Money Pit Missile and Reducing Nuclear Weapons Budgets
Declaring and legislating a No First Use policy would be a major step to help avoid:
A US nuclear attack that escalates
Russia or China attacking the US due to a false alarm
Violating the US Constitution by a first strike act of war
US threats of a nuclear attack which amount to bullying and blackmailing other countries, and which carry unacceptable risk of starting a general nuclear war.
With the support of a growing number of members of Congress, and President Biden’s 2019 statement that he has supported “No First Use” for twenty years, we have a real chance to take an important step toward reducing the risks of nuclear war in the next year by getting a No First Use policy declared and legislated into law!
Join us on May 15 at a conference to discuss and implement “Prohibiting the First Use of Nuclear Weapons.” Register to attend.
The conference is free but we appreciate donations to support this work.
Cosponsors: Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security (CPDCS); Mass Peace Action (MAPA); Council for a Livable World (CLW); CodePINK; Chicago Area Peace Action (CAPA); NY Peace Action (PANYS); Nuclear Age Peace Foundation; Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility (GBPSR); Maine Peace Action; MIT Radius; Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR); Mahindra Humanities Center at Harvard; Public Citizen; Maryland Peace Action; Institute for People’s Engagement; PeaceWorks Kansas City [list still in formation]
Vigil for Yemen: Remembering 6 Years of War
Thursday, March 25th, 5:30 PM
Federal Plaza, Chicago
End the Endless Wars: US Troops Out of the Middle East
Saturday, March 20th, 1:30 PM— 3:00 PM CST
End the Endless Wars: US Troops Out of the Middle East!
18 years after President Bush invaded Iraq on March 19, 2003, the US remains at war in Afghanistan and Syria. President Biden bombed Syria on February 25. The US continues to support the wars in Yemen and Libya, stations troops in Iraq and Somalia, and is selling arms to its allies Saudi, UAE, and Israel as they prepare to confront Iran. Syria and Iran are heavily sanctioned, including new “Caesar Act” sanctions which are devastating Syria’s civilian economy, and President Biden’s team is moving much too slowly to rejoin the Iran Nuclear Deal. Presidents change but the endless wars continue and escalate. Get full speaker line-up here.
Endless Wars = Few or No Gains for Working People
Saturday, March 20th, 12:00 PM
Federal Plaza, Chicago
Every new Presidential administration starts with attractive promises made to working class people: Good jobs, healthcare, prosperity for all.
If the economy does well, working people may make modest gains – these are pennies compared to the unimaginable wealth shoveled into the pockets of America’s richest people. More often, there’s stagnation and, for the poorest, outright regression. Rightwing populists build their careers and dangerous movements – blaming immigrants, Blacks, Muslims, and Jews for the nation’s problems. They inflame bigotry against LGBTQs, women and others.
Few Americans realize that, compared to other industrialized nations, the richest country in world history has by far the WORST public benefits for working parents and their children.
The reasons are not hard to find. Since the end of World War II, U.S. rulers have dominated the world with a huge military apparatus designed to intimidate other nations into doing its bidding or, failing that, brutally punishing them. Like police forces on the local level, the U.S. military eats up an enormous part of spending: 50% of the federal discretionary budget.
Meanwhile, much poorer nations suffer wholesale death and devastation unimaginable to people in the U.S.
For all the U.S. soldiers killed, traumatized or otherwise disabled by war, there are many more times that number of Iraqis, Afghans, Syrians and others with destroyed homes and shattered lives. Thanks to the U.S. conducting constant drone bombings, its support for brutal dictators, sanctions, threats of invasions and coups, the working people of these violated countries have far fewer resources to recover from wars and climate disasters. Many are forced into desperate migrations from their homes and communities in Central and South America, northern Africa, the Middle East, southern Asia and elsewhere.
In addition, the U.S. military is the world’s biggest polluter. It is the #1 contributor to the growing climate catastrophe. While politicians debate the proposed $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package, none mention the U.S.’s projected $3 trillion nuclear weapons “modernization” program.
We must end this death spiral. At best, the leading politicians of both parties have tinkered around the edges of these massive, deadly problems. At worst, they’ve thrown more gasoline on the fire. Either way, their measures fall far short of what working people need, especially Black, Latinx and Native American people.
For all the “change” they promise, both parties stay committed to preserving and extending U.S. domination of the world. They each have an iron-clad commitment to funding its massive nuclear and conventional arsenals with a devastating cost to working people here and abroad.
History has shown that the only times we get changes of the magnitude we need are when masses of working people, organized and with clear strategy, take matters into their own hands. This was the power behind the union struggles of the Great Depression, the struggles of Black people and their allies in the Civil Rights Movement, and the anti-war, Black Power, Chicano, feminist and LGBTQ movements of the late 1960s.
In the spirit of those earlier movements, on Saturday, March 20th – the 18th anniversary of the United States’ second longest Forever War, the invasion and occupation of Iraq – please join us as we demand:
** End State Repression & Institutional Racism
** Promote an Economy That Serves Working Class People…/
** Housing, Food, Education & Healthcare are Human Rights…/
** We Have the Right to Control Our Bodies
** International Peace & Human Rights
** Protect the Planet, Protect Us All
CAPA Open Membership Meeting
Friday, March 19th, 6:30— 8:00 PM CST
The Doomsday Machine- Talk with Daniel Ellsberg
Thursday, March 18th, 6:00— 7:00 PM CST
As part of an ongoing series of of events this year addressing the dire nature of U.S. nuclear weapons policy, CAPA and other Peace Action affiliates are pleased to invite you to a conversation with Daniel Ellsberg about his blockbuster book, The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner. In Edward Snowden’s words, “The father of American whistle-blowing” has written an urgent chronicle that “is both an urgent warning and a call to arms to a public that has grown dangerously habituated to the idea that the means to our extinction will forever be on hair trigger alert.”
Please join us for an important evening that will offer you insight into what you can do as a private citizen to shine a bright light on a frightening under reported unstable architecture and help move us one step closer to the dream of abolition .
CAPA is a cosponsor of this event. Learn more here.
International Day of Action for Yemen
Monday, January 25th, 5:00 PM CST
Chicago Federal Plaza
Ban Nuclear Weapons Car Caravan
Friday, January 22nd
12 PM
Around Federal Plaza, Chicago
Panel: Is this the end of nuclear weapons?
Thursday, January 21st
6:00 PM
Inauguration Eve: Demand REAL Change
Tuesday, January 19th
4:00 PM
Chicago’s Federal Plaza
Webinar: Stop the War on Yemen!
Thursday, January 14th
6:00 PM CST
CAPA Membership Meeting
Monday, December 7th, 7:00— 8:30 PM
41st Annual Benefit
Thursday, November 12th
6:00 PM— 7:30 PM CST
For the past forty years, we’ve gathered with fellow peace, justice, and climate activists to dine and learn together at CAPA’s annual fall dinner. Due to the circumstances of this unusual year, we, like many other groups, are going virtual. What once seemed like a hindering obstacle, has instead revealed a unique opportunity to rethink our yearly program.
While we may not be gathering together in person this year, the need for peace and justice minded individuals to learn, connect, and activate is greater than ever.
We are thrilled to host the progressive champion, US Representative Ro Khanna to speak on Building Bridges, Not Barriers: Redefining Security. At a time when our nation will still be reeling from the recent election, as the world battles pandemic, climate catastrophe, and widespread war, we must all bring a critical and creative eye to rethink what security really entails.
For too long, our nation has bought into a broken “post 9/11 siege mentality” of amorphous external threats requiring bullets, bombs and intimidation to keep us “strong and safe”. Now, we are seeing more clearly than ever, that true security for all must include: access to healthcare, intentional peace building, attention to the global effects of climate change and the thoughtful dismantling of systemic racism.
No matter the outcome of November’s election, we, as lovers of peace and justice, have a lot of work to do and can not afford to sit on the sidelines. With nearly uncontested bipartisan support of the Pentagon’s $690 billion budget and plans to spend a trillion dollars on modernizing the US nuclear arsenal and delivery systems over the next thirty years, we must be prepared to call for bold steps to redefine security!
Join us to learn what must be done, discuss solutions, and get activated to be the change we want to see in the world!
Wednesday October 7th
Chicago Federal Plaza
12:00 PM— 1:30 PM
October 7 marks the 19th anniversary of the longest war in U.S. history, the 2001 invasion and occupation of Afghanistan.
And Afghanistan is just one piece of a worldwide kaleidoscope of US military violence around the world including:
Almost an entire generation of Americans has lived with endless war. Babies not even born at the time of the US invasion of Afghanistan are now fighting in that country. Far worse, however, is the fact that over 1 million Middle Easterners are now dead to avenge the 3000 killed in the 9/11 attacks, and war has spread throughout the Middle East.
As revealed in the so-called Afghanistan papers – government documents released through Freedom of Information Act requests – senior U.S. officials have knowingly lied throughout the war, making optimistic pronouncements of success even while hiding evidence that the war was a disaster.
Despite this, in an effort to turn the tide of the Afghan war in the U.S.’s favor, Presidents Obama and Trump have both launched “troop surges.” Death and destruction were the predictable results while the puppet Afghan regime’s hold on the country, far from being strengthened, remained as precarious as ever.
While people in this country do not feel the direct physical effects of these wars, every bomb
dropped represents millions of dollars less for our schools, health care, affordable housing, public transportation, physical infrastructure, and a myriad of other social services desperately needed in a time of pandemic and severe economic recession. With one-half of the federal discretionary budget going to the US military, and much of the rest given over to subsidizing the already-rich, it’s little wonder that there are only crumbs left for the left of us.
US politicians’ support for war and U.S. domination has been and remains thoroughly bipartisan. The 2020 election will not change that. To establish their “patriotic” credentials, Democrats typically vote for military financing and war with the same frequency as Republicans.
On the 19th anniversary of the United States’ Forever War, and relentless US violence around the world, please join us to denounce these wars that both major political parties continue to finance.
We will be having our event on the Plaza so that we can be socially distanced. Out respect for the health of everyone, please wear a mask.
View the Facebook Event here.
Saturday, September 26th
Stay tuned for more details to come!
Wednesday, August 26th, 6:00— 7:00 PM CST
This is an online event. Please register here to receive a Zoom link.
Join us on Wednesday, August 26th for a discussion with Danny Sjursen on a his new book Patriotic Dissent: America in the Age of Endless War published by Heydey books. He’ll join us virtually from his home in Kansas to talk about his latest work and take your questions.
This incendiary work by Daniel Sjursen is a personal cry from the heart by a once-model US Army officer and West Point graduate who became a military dissenter while still on active duty. Set against the backdrop of the terror wars of the last two decades, Sjursen asks whether there is a proper space for patriotism that renounces entitled exceptionalism and narcissistic jingoism. Once a burgeoning believer and budding conservative, Sjursen performed an intellectual and spiritual about-face. He now calls for a critical exploration of our allegiances, and he suggests a path to a new, more complex notion of patriotism. Equal parts unsentimental and idealistic, this is a story about what it means to be an American in the midst of perpetual war, and what the future of patriotism might look like.
Danny Sjursen is a retired U.S. Army Major and regular contributor to, Truthdig, The Nation, Tom Dispatch, The Huffington Post, and The Hill. His work has also appeared in Harper’s, The LA Times, and Buzz Feed. He served combat tours with reconnaissance units in Iraq and Afghanistan and later taught history at his alma mater, West Point. He is the author of a memoir and critical analysis of the Iraq War, Ghost Riders of Baghdad: Soldiers, Civilians, and the Myth of the Surge (2015). He co-hosts the progressive veterans’ podcast “Fortress on a Hill.” Follow him on Twitter at @SkepticalVet.
Sunday, August 9th 12:15— 3:30 PM,
4600 N Clark St
Chicago, IL 60640
Tuesday, August 4th 6:30— 8:00 PM CST
This is an online event. Register to receive Zoom link here.
Wednesday, July 15th
This is an online day of action. See more details here.
Tuesday, July 14 5:00 PM- 6:00 PM
Federal Plaza
219 S Dearborn
Chicago, IL
July 14th marks the 5th anniversary of the Iran-EU-US nuclear agreement that was to pave the way for lessening economic sanctions against Iran. But Trump nixed that agreement and imposed more sanctions that, during a pandemic, make supplies urgently needed to protect public safety more expensive and often impossible for Iran to obtain.
Tuesday, May 26th, 6:00— 7:00 PM CST
Online Event. Register here to get Zoom link.
Thursday, February 27th 6:00 PM- 7:30 PM
DePaul University- Lincol Park Campu
Room TBA
CAPA DePaul will be joining DePaul Islamic World Studies for this event.
Being young and Muslim in the United States has only gotten more complicated since the terrorist attacks of 2001. From warrantless government surveillance to rising incidents of hate crimes, Muslim Americans have had to deal with their new reality in many different ways, ways that are sometimes heartbreaking and just as often inspiring. In this lecture, author Moustafa Bayoumi will survey what being young and Muslim has meant since 2001 and ask if and how Muslim American life has changed under the Bush, Obama, and Trump administrations. Bayoumi will also focus on how we, as a nation, must think beyond our perceived conflicts and look instead through the long lens of justice as a means of securing our country and our shared humanity.
Facebook Event can be found here.
Thursday, February 20th 6:30 PM- 8:00 PM
DePaul University – Lincoln Park Campus
Student Center
2250 N. Sheffield Ave.
Chicago, IL 60614
The Trump administration, and their predecessors, love to blame immigrant families just looking for a better life for themselves and children, but who really caused the need for people to flee from their homes?
Presenters Victoria Cervantes and Laura Nussbaum, of La Voz de los de Abajo, will share and discuss the impact of U.S. policy and actions in Latin America, and how military and economic violence in the region is the underlying cause of the immigration crisis.
We must not let the U.S.’s violent imposition continue to destroy an entire region, while criminalizing the victims of our actions. We’ll learn what it means to oppose U.S. interference in Latin America and begin taking the very important steps towards change.
This is a free event, but please let us know you are coming by signing up through this ticket link!
Facebook Event can be found here.
January 21st 7:00-8:00 PM
DePaul University
Room TBA
Chicago, IL 60604
Immigration and Customs Enforcement. What is it? How does it work? Who do they target? Who is in charge? What are my rights? What does Abolish ICE mean? Join Chicago Area Peace Action DePaul for small group discussions about how ICE has changed under Trump, ICE Methods, Trial & Rights, ICE Detention Centers, and more.
Facebook Event can be found here.
January 13th 7:00 PM
Evanston City Council
2100 Ridge Ave.
Evanston, IL 60201
Residents of greater Evanston are urged to come to City Hall Council Chambers for the beginning of the City Council meeting at 7pm to stand in support as Evanston residents speak to Resolution 136 R 19 which calls for the US to ratify the International Convention on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (“ICAN”) that has already been approved by 122 nations at the UN, signed by 79 countries, and ratified by 33. The Evanston resolution, similar to those adopted by 43 other US cities, will be proposed as part of the Consent Agenda at the beginning of the meeting.
If the City Council passes this resolution, it will be the first Midwest city to join the campaign to convince the US government to sign the ICAN treaty.
See the resolution here.
We will not be forced into another war. CAPA will join with Indivisible Evanston and others in the anti-war majority in this country will get visible to oppose Trump’s war and say #NoWarWithIran.
Evanston – 5:00pm – Church and Benson
Chicago – 5:30pm – Wabash and Wacker
CAPA joins with CCAWR, ANSWER, VCNV and many other Chicago area peace groups to say, We will not be forced into another war.
5:30pm Corner of Wabash and Wacker, Chicago
December 8th 1:30 PM- 3:30 PM
Evanston Public Library
Third Floor, Falcon Room
1703 Orrington Ave.
Evanston, IL 60201
Join us this Sunday from 1:30-3:30 for a screening of “The Beginning of the End of Nuclear Weapons” and a discussion of the Treaty to Prevent Nuclear Weapons with David Combs (Union of Concerned Scienctists) and David Kraft (NEIS).
This important program comes just one day before the Evanston City Council takes up “Back from the Brink” anti-nuclear resolution that has the support of nineteen greater-Evanston faith communities and peace and justice organizations.
Sponsored by:
Chicago Area Peace Action
Neighbors For Peace
Union of Concerned Scientists– Illinois
Nuclear Energy Information Service
Physicians for Social Responsibility– Illinois
November 14th 7 PM – 9 PM
Loyola University
Cudahy Science Hall, Room 202
Chicago, IL 60660
Join Chicago Area Peace Action’s Loyola Chapter for a conversation about the uncharted effects of climate change and potential solutions. The panel discussion with feature activists, professors, researchers, and students.
October 19 2p-4p
Grace Lutheran Church
1430 South Blvd
Evanston, IL 60202
The military is sacrosanct in this country. We’re taught to honor the military, even though it has played, and continues to play, an outsized role in our extinction. The military protects Big Oil and other extractive industries. It is the single largest institutional consumer of fossil fuels in the world. Military operations leave a toxic legacy on their bases and across the world. Wars ravage fragile ecosystems and kill plants, animals, people and the earth. Join us as we examine the nexus between “Climate Disruption and U.S. Militarism”.
Sponsored by Veterans for Peace – Chicago Chapter. Co-sponsored by Chicago Area Peace Action (CAPA).
6 PM, Wednesday, October 9th Grace Place, 637 S. Dearborn St.
On the anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, please join a conversation with two of the most thoughtful anti-war activists in the U.S.
CAPA is a co-sponsor of this event. Click here for more information.
CAPA Climate group and other CAPA friends will be participating in the events called for by Extinction Rebellion Chicago (XR Chicago) Daley Plaza, Chicago – 4pm-7pm. Click here for more details
My Lai Memorial Exhibit provides participants with a powerful anti-war experience. The experience invites participants to make a renewed commitment to peace and social justice and provides opportunities to support initiatives working to reduce violence and militarism both at home and abroad.
Veterans for Peace-Chicago Chapter and CAPA board member, Gerry Gorman worked together to put this exhibit together at UIC where Gerry is a faculty member along with many other activities.
Come find us from 1 to 5PM at Evanston’s Streets Alive fair!
CAPA’s Loyola and DePaul Chapters ask you to join them
Wednesday Aug. 7th at 11am
at Federal Plaza
(NE corner of Dearborn and Adams)
On 9 August 2018, Saudi Arabian expeditionary aircraft bombed a civilian school bus passing
through a crowded market with U.S.-made bombs in Dahyan, Saada Governorate, Yemen.
Thirty-four students and 4 of their teachers were killed along with 12 passers-by.
An additional 78 people were wounded, including 55 students.
This rally is to remember the lives lost as well as we urge Congress to end the Yemen war
during consideration of the defense budget. Come out to support and stand in solidarity!
Event co-sponsored by Voices for Creative Nonviolence, Chicago Committee Against War and Racism, Neighbors for Peace-Evanston and others
An ad hoc group of peace and justice activists
will gather in Hyde Park on
Tuesday, August 6th 2019
5:30 to 6:30pm
(rain or shine, program subject to change)
Meet at the Henry Moore sculpture, University of Chicago, E. 56th St and S. Ellis Ave.
Bring seating (chair or blanket) and umbrella; bring a hat and sunscreen
Come Join Us!
For a one hour commemoration featuring representatives
of peace and justice groups offering brief:
Readings; Songs; Poetry
Mindful breathing and walking meditation
From July 18-20, 2019, Voices for Creative Nonviolence will join with the Freedom Flotilla Coalition’s US Boats to
Gaza campaign, supporting their North American Freedom Flotilla for Gaza project with three days of Chicago
actions to include a Saturday July 20th mini-flotilla of kayaks and other craft on the Chicago River, joining shore-
based protesters to urge freedom for the people of Gaza starting at 11:00am from the Lake Street Bridge, NE corner!
From July 18-20, 2019, Voices for Creative Nonviolence will join with the Freedom Flotilla Coalition’s US Boats to
Gaza campaign, supporting their North American Freedom Flotilla for Gaza project with three days of Chicago
actions to include a Saturday July 20th mini-flotilla of kayaks and other craft on the Chicago River, joining shore-
based protesters to urge freedom for the people of Gaza.
On Friday, July 19th, we’ll have gathered at 11:30am outside the Israeli Consulate at 500 W. Madison and proceed
to warmaker Boeing’s corporate HQ at 100 N. Riverside Plaza for a rally at Noon.
From July 18-20, 2019, Voices for Creative Nonviolence will join with the Freedom Flotilla Coalition’s US Boats to
Gaza campaign, supporting their North American Freedom Flotilla for Gaza project with three days of Chicago
actions to include a Saturday July 20th mini-flotilla of kayaks and other craft on the Chicago River, joining shore-
based protesters to urge freedom for the people of Gaza.
On Thursday July 18th, we’ll host four-time flotilla veteran (Ret.) Col. Ann Wright and Gazan
scholar/activist Jehad Abusalim for a 7pm speaking event at Chicago’s Grace Episcopal Church at 637 S. Dearborn.
Lecture: DeCOALonize and Degrow: Ending the Tyranny of Growth and Revitalizing our Future.
Where: College of the Complexes, Dappers East Restaurant
Address: 2901 West Addison 3600 North between California and Sacramento.
More information:
Each year on the last Friday of the Chicago Public School year, Faith Community of Saint Sabina hosts a summer kickoff rally and march for peace.
Where: In Logan Square at the Dill Pickle Food Coop
When: June 1, from 1PM – 3PM
We are almost out of time to stop global warming. Come to the Dill Pickle on Saturday, June 1, starting at 1 pm, and join with your neighbors to see these presentations addressing the challenge of global warming with performance, a strategy for collective non-violent direct action, an existential description of our problem, and the concept of degrowth.
June 1 is Global Degrowth Day ( Degrowth ideas began in France. The movement started about 10 years ago. DegrowUS ( started in Chicago last fall with a vision of a popular movement for a transition to a just, participatory, and ecological future for all.
The degrowth movement chooses to face head-on the existential truth that the survival of humanity as we know it and the progress of democracy depend on reducing our consumption of the Earth’s resources and breaking the link between economic growth as we know it and human needs such as employment, education, and health care.
Degrowth challenges us to reimagine our resource-intensive convenience-obsessed civilization: Why disposable instead of reusable, products that can’t be repaired rather than a culture of repair, and high tech extreme measures health care but little real focus on disease prevention?
More information about Global Degrowth Day from
We’ll start this first DegrowUS Chicago event with a short piece of pop-up theater. The main presentations will run 15-20 minutes. There will be short presentations about local activities. Global vision, local action! You are also invited come early or stay later and enjoy some food or drink from the Dill Pickle.
Awaken Giant!
Barry Feldman, Rebel For Life Pop-Up Theater
Joe Phillips, Local Coordinator for Extinction Rebellion Chicago
How We Got Here; How We Get Out of Here
H. Peter Steeves and Danielle Meijer, DePaul University Department of Philosophy
DeCOALonize and DeGrow:
Ending the Tyranny of Growth and Creating a Revitalized Sense of Possibility
Rachel Elfant, Climate Justice Organizer at CAPA, Youth Worker at Centro Romero, and student of DeGrowth
Master of Ceremonies
Mike Strode, The Kola Nut Collaborative
Chicago Area Peace Action DePaul will be hosting a panel about climate change featuring Dr. Sean Kirkland, Dr Liam Heneghan, Rachel Elfant, and Rose Gomez.
In this panel we will move past the conversation of climate change denial. It is real and happening. In the face of catastrophe why can’t we seem to take action? How does climate change disproportionately affect communities of color? What does climate change look like right now? We will tackle those important questions in this event.
Come join us for food and conversation!
When: Wednesday, May 29, 2019 at 6 PM – 7:30 PM
Where: Arthur J. Schmitt Academic Center (SAC) located at 2320 N. Kenmore Avenue, Chicago, IL
Join Beth Hillel Bnai Emunah, Faith in Place, Go Green Wilmette, and Chicago Area Peace Action to dive deeper into the process of installing solar on your House of Worship. In the first workshop held on January 16th, we explored the benefits of going solar, learned from examples of other faith communities that have installed solar, and discussed a variety of ways to finance solar projects at your house of worship.
This workshop will build on those lessons!
The event is free and open to anyone who is interested in bringing solar to their faith community.
Date: Thursday, May 23, 2019 from 10:00am to 11:30am
Location: Beth Hillel Bnai Emunah 3220 Big Tree Lane, Wilmette, IL 60091
Tuesday, May 21 join us as we demonstrate against Chase Bank’s continued funding of tar sands oil pipeline construction and to support efforts to stop Line 3 in MN. Fellow climate activist organizations Rising Tide Chicago and Rainforest Action Network are organizing this rally to coincide with Chase’s annual shareholder meeting.
When: Tuesday, May 21 at 11 AM – 12:30 PM
Where: Chase Tower, 21 S Clark St, Chicago
Why: To make it clear that we can’t continue with ‘business as usual:’ continued investment in fossil fuel infrastructure will plunge our home planet further into a climate crisis with unimaginable impacts on our families, communities and future generations.
Check out this Facebook event page for further details:
Amira Hass brings a fresh and much needed insight to the past, present, and future of Palestinian Israeli relations. She draws on 30 years of experience as an Israeli journalist and analyst who has sought and achieved unparalleled immersion in Palestinian communities in the West Bank and Gaza.
Born in Jerusalem in 1956, Hass joined the Israeli daily Haaretz in 1989 and had been its correspondent for the Occupied Palestinian Territories since 1993. She has lived in the West Bank city of Ramallah since 1997. “Ramallah Chronicles”, a compilation of her articles between 1997-2003, was published in 2005. Before taking up residence in the West Bank, Hass lived in Gaza for three years, which experience served as the basis for her widely acclaimed book “Drinking the Sea at Galilee”.
Hass is the only child of a Sarajevo-born Jewish mother who survived nine months in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, and a Romanian born Jewish father who survived three wartime years in a ghetto.
Meet us there from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM at the Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary 2121 Sheridan Rd. Evanston, IL.
Dilemmas of an Israeli Journalist Covering
Palestine: Amira Hass
Monday, April 29, 2019
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Evanston Public Library, 1703 Orrington Ave., Evanston, IL 60201
Amira Hass brings a fresh and much needed insight to the past, present, and future of Palestinian Israeli relations. She draws on 30 years of experience as an Israeli journalist and analyst who has sought and achieved unparalleled immersion in Palestinian communities in the West Bank and Gaza.
Born in Jerusalem in 1956, Hass joined the Israeli daily Haaretz in 1989 and had been its correspondent for the Occupied Palestinian Territories since 1993. She has lived in the West Bank city of Ramallah since 1997. “Ramallah Chronicles”, a compilation of her articles between 1997-2003, was published in 2005. Before taking up residence in the West Bank, Hass lived in Gaza for three years, which experience served as the basis for her widely acclaimed book “Drinking the Sea at Galilee”.
Hass is the only child of a Sarajevo-born Jewish mother who survived nine months in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, and a Romanian born Jewish father who survived three wartime years in a ghetto.
A Guide to Nonviolent Direct Action Campaigning
an activist training with legendary Quaker civil rights activist/author
George Lakey
Saturday, April 27, 2019
10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
NEIS, 3411 W. Diversey, Chicago.
(Logan Sq. “Blue” Line stop; #76, 82, and 56 Buses; 5 blocks
south of the Kennedy X-pwy, Kimball Ave. exit. Street parking.)
Suggested donation: $25, $10 for
students/low-income individuals.
A non-violent, direct-action
training, based on the highly
praised, new book by George Lakey, “How We Win: A
Guide to Non-Violent Direct Action Campaigning.” $13.59.
Advance registration required through NEIS by e-mail
(, or phone (773)342-7650, space limited to
the first 30 registrants. Make checks payable to “NEIS”
and send to above address; or pay online at
Chicago Area Peace Action is partnering with Love Without Borders to bring art made by Refugees displaced in Greece to be displayed for purchase at DePaul. All money made from a sale goes back to the artist. The art we will be displaying will be primarily from Yemeni, Palestinian, Syrian, and Iraqi refugees. This event is open to the public. Thank you to our cosponsors: the Islamic World Studies Program, the International Studies Department, the Department of History of Art and Architecture, the Department of Peace, Conflict, and Justice Studies, Students for Justice in Palestine, and the Art History Club.
April 6 – 2019 Chicago Peace Summit
The Chicago Peace Summit will feature national peace movement activists and foreign policy experts from across the country and around the world. Join us to hear from Kathy Kelly, Jehan Hakim, Natasha Erskine, Kevin Martin, Vincent Emanuele, Nan Kim, Robert Naiman, Paul Street, Rachel Elfant, and other noteworthy leaders about pressing issues of peace.
All are welcome! Please come out to learn more about the dire peace issues plaguing communities in our own backyards and across the world.
Saturday, April 6, 2019 at 10 AM – 4 PM CDT |
CAPA’s FPWG is co-sponsoring with Evanston Neighbors for Peace, programs at EPL (2-5p) and the Sulzer Library in Chicago (7-8:30p)
See the Facebook event page for more details.
Global Climate Strike. All over the nation and world,
the Youth will lead a strike. Ours in Chicago is from 11AM – 2PM and
meets in Grant Park.